Jason Kirkpatrick, Actor, Producer, Hero... in his own right, graces the cover of this next Edition of Author Cheryl Lockett Alexander's Collectors series of MY HERO IS A DUKE...OF HAZZARD. Step back in time as Jason's high school photos starts off this Edition and takes you through, just a tease of his many television and film accomplishments. Jason has been a fan of Dukes since a very young age. Now a personal friend to my Hero, John Schneider, Jason Kirkpatrick has worked in several movies created at John Schneider Studios in Holden, Louisiana. (HOLDENWOOD) One of which, is Johns newest movie, Poker Run, that's due to be released in December.. Join us, as we pre-order at Johnschneiderstudios.com or get your copy after it's released. Let's all continue my journey to keep the Dukes alive.