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Freewriting with Purpose (Filewych, Karen)
Freewriting with Purpose
Untertitel Simple Classroom Techniques to Help Students Make Connections, Think Critically, and Construct Meaning
Autor Filewych, Karen
Verlag Pembroke Publishers
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2019
Seiten 144 S.
Artikelnummer 29842021
ISBN 978-1-55138-339-2
CHF 45.90
Vertriebsrecht geändert. Andere Ausgabe?
In freewriting, we write continuously: we begin with a prompt and keep our pen or pencil moving throughout the entire duration. We do not stop to question or censor ourselves; we do not concern ourselves with spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or grammar; we do not let critical thoughts creep into our freewriting time.

Shows teachers how to use freewriting to help kids write well and more, regardless of grade level, subject, time of day, or time of year. It is not a difficult process to implement and yet it makes a significant difference in teacher attitudes, student confidence, and, ultimately, student writing abilities.

Karen Filewych has more than twenty years of educational experience as a teacher of all elementary grades and most recently as a school administrator. Her passion for literacy began as a young child with nightly bedtime stories and weekly trips to the library.