The idea is a guaranteed ratings winner: a reality TV show where six contestants audition for a part in a horror movie, a chance to be a "scream queen." Whoever lasts the night in a haunted house, rigged with shriek-inducing special effects, will walk away rich and famous...if they make it out alive.
Unfortunately, no one on the production crew has delved into the past of the house itself, a place where a mad doctor carried out unspeakable human experiments...where people say every room is haunted by the vengeful spirits of his tortured victims...a house coming alive before their very eyes. Now, as the cameras roll, blood is spilled, bodies disappear, and no one -- not even the show's creators -- can be sure what's a game and what's real.
But with each terrifying discovery, the contestants are dwindling, and one thing is becoming chillingly clear...on this show, there will be no survivors.