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Sedimentary Rocks in the Field (Stow, Dorrik A. V.)
Sedimentary Rocks in the Field
Untertitel A Colour Guide
Autor Stow, Dorrik A. V.
Verlag Manson Publishing Ltd
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2005
Seiten 320 S.
Artikelnummer 17625142
ISBN 978-1-874545-69-9
CHF 85.75
Fremdlagertitel, Lieferzeit unbestimmt.
A guide to the recognition and description of sedimentary rocks in the field. It aims to help the geologist know what to observe and record and how best to interpret this data and is of value to students, amateur enthusiasts and professional geologists.

Containing over 400 superb color photos and drawings, this book illustrates the principal types of sedimentary. An introductory chapter defines the main types of sedimentary rock and their initial recognition, followed by a section highlighting safety in the field. The author goes on to describe the main field techniques and provides a comprehensive summary of the principal characteristics of sedimentary rocks. There is a chapter on each of the main rock types and on how to interpret facies and their features in terms of depositional environments and economic significance.

A much needed addition to the literature of sedimentology?the photographic images are impeccable?contains a grain size comparator chart at the front and a sediment description checklist at the back?as a tool in the field kit this book is excellent for professional geologists, teachers, students and amateur enthusiasts.-Sedimentary GeologyDeserves to be in the Christmas stocking of every earth sciences student in the land - and further afield?plaudits will undoubtedly accumulate for this book?the production values are also quite exceptional and the whole design and production team at Mansons deserve our warmest congratulations?tells students everything they need to keep in mind when they are examining and describing sedimentary rocks.-The Palaeontological Association NewsletterAn excellent and really beautiful book?More than a field guide.-Journal of Sedimentary Research
Dorrik A.V. Stow