Joyce C. Mills, PhD, is an award-winning, internationally recognized trainer, author, play therapist, consultant, and program development specialist. Founder of StoryPlay® Global and the StoryPlay® Certification Training Program, Dr. Mills is a co-director of the Phoenix Institute of Ericksonian Therapy and an adjunct faculty member of Argosy University in Phoenix, Arizona, and is on the board of directors of the Turtle Island Project. The author of numerous chapters in leading professional books, Dr. Mills is the co-author and author of eight books, including Reconnecting to the Magic of Life, The Butterfly Wisdom® Transformation Kit, Little Tree, and Gentle Willow. Richard J. Crowley, LCSW, PhD, has completed fellowships in community mental health and internships at Harvard University's medical and psychiatric facilities. Author of Mentalball(TM): Beat Your Invisible Opponent at Its Own Game, Dr. Crowley is an internationally recognized sports psychologist and performance coach whose patent-pending process removes mental blocks not reached by other means. He is co-creator and developer of Imagine All Better, a life-changing mobile and web app designed to remove emotional and behavioral patterns. Dr. Crowley can be reached at ImagineAllBetter.com and Sportsmaker.com.